Community Services

A variety of talks and conferences are available for a day, weekend, or week for different sizes of groups and Churches

Areas of Focus

  • Spirituality

    This includes prayer and learning to personalize one’s way of relating to God in Christ according to the riches of Christianity.

  • Ecumenism

    This includes the principles of ecumenism according to the World Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic Church, which are the two main partners in global ecumenism.

  • Biblical Spirituality

    This includes biblical themes based on theology and biblical passages and principles that support one’s growth in learning and praying with the Word of God.

  • Spiritual Ecumenism

    This includes going beyond ecumenical principles to embrace common ways of praying and spirituality that can be shared across denominational differences.

  • Trinity

    This includes a focus on the Christian belief of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and the implications for belief, practice, and spirituality.

  • Christian Leadership

    This includes the exploration and prayerful study of Christian organizational leadership theories and practices.

Let’s talk about it!

Reach out to discuss and explore the areas of focus or related topics and how we can support your group, church, or community in growing spiritually in following the Lord.